
Growing Communities of Faith with Children and Young People at the Centre

This LIVE online course explores the importance and role of the wider church community in developing the faith of children and young people. Drawing together insights from theology, social theory and ministry practice, you will develop a rationale to reflect on the role of various contexts to support a child to grow in faith.

Mon 31st March - Thurs 3rd April 2025

Available options to book online now:

31st March 2025 - 3rd April 2025 (all 4 days)
£225 -

Book your full module here:

Or join us for individual days as your diary and interest allows...

Course Content

Monday: Faith for the whole family

Rachel Turner - 9:30 - 2:30pm

1. The role of parents and the wider family in the discipleship of children and young people
2. Biblical models of parenting for faith
3. Practical lessons from the church.

Tuesday: Reimagining the church’s role in faith development
Rachel Turner - 9:30 - 3:30pm

1. What is the role of the church?
2. Ethics of evangelism with children and young people.
3. Leading child-centred churches in discipleship and evangelism.

Wednesday: The ecology of developing faith
Sarah Holmes - 9:30 - 3:30pm

1. What causes faith to grow or flourish?
2. The role of the extended family: Grandparents, Godparents and the rest.
3. How can we link schools, home and church together for faith?

Thursday: The church for all ages
Rachel Turner - 9:30 - 2:30pm

1. Exploring the idea of a child or young person as a functional and contributing member of the body of Christ in a local context.
2. What is the biblical basis for them being integrated into the church?
3. How to release children and young people into ministry


Photo of Rachel Turner

Rachel Turner

Associate Lecturer

Rachel was formerly a Senior Lecturer with CYM. Turner has worked within family, youth and children’s ministry for over 18 years. After serving full-time in multiple churches, she then went on to found Parenting for Faith in partnership with BRF. Through her and her team’s work, they have created multiple online courses, resources and podcasts to enable parents and carers to disciple their children and for church leaders to create a parenting for faith culture within their communities. She is an international speaker and the author of ten books. In her work, she has consulted and partnered with national denominations and regional networks to enable growth in intergenerational church, robust family ministry, and church culture change. With a BA in Cultural Anthropology and MScEcon in Critical Security Studies, she has guest lectured with Cliff College, Moorlands College and St. Padarn’s.

Rachel is the author and contributor to several books including:

  • Parenting Children for a Life of Faith (2010)
  • It Takes a Church to Raise a Parent (2018)
  • Parenting as a Church Leader (2020)
  • Healthy Faith and the Coronavirus Crisis (2020)

Current Teaching/Responsibilities
Lecturing on leadership, intergenerational theory and practice, and household faith.

Research Interest
Rachel is interested in researching culture change within churches from an anthropological perspective, unique parenting contexts, and discipleship as culturally embedded patterns.

Contact Details
Address: CYM, 16 Commerce Square, Nottingham, NG1 1HS
Phone: 0115 777 0102

Photo of Dr Sarah Holmes

Dr Sarah Holmes

Director of Research

Sarah is CYM's Director of Research, seeking to explore together how we can equip and empower the church to enhance ministry opportunities amongst children and their families through research-informed practice. Sarah has been involved in ministry amongst children and families for over 20 years, and has a passion to find innovative and effective ways to equip children to get closer to Jesus. After completing a Geography degree at Liverpool University (with the aim of being a weather girl or earthquake predictor!), she worked as a church-based children's worker on the Wirral, and then as a Children and Family Pastor in Altrincham, Cheshire. Alongside this work, she really enjoyed studying at Cliff College: First to gain a Level 5 Diploma in Children's Evangelism and Nurture, and then an MA in Evangelism Studies. She then took some time out of this work to be a stay-at-home mum, but in the midst of this season completed a PhD exploring the role of family in children's faith journeys. Sarah also holds a part-time role teaching Early Childhood Studies at Liverpool Hope University, and researching the topic of children's faith and spirituality.

Current Teaching/Responsibilities
Sarah's supports our undergraduate and postgraduate student in their dissertation research projects.

Research Interest
Anything about children's faith and spirituality, particularly in the early years; the role of family; church ministry amongst children and families, with particular interest in neurodiversity.

Contact Details
Address: CYM, 16 Commerce Square, Nottingham, NG1 1HS
Phone: 0115 777 0102

ORCID Biography