Written by Dr Sarah Holmes
on 26th March 2024
Why bother?! …. Does anyone care about ministry amongst kids, youth and families? Is anyone doing it? What are they doing? Does it make any difference???? And why is there not more investment in these ministries from the wider church?
These are some of the questions which often swirl around these ministry areas. There is often so much exhaustion. So much frustration. And even some confusion and uncertainty about it all. Yet, there is also so much passion and care. And there are so many meaningful interactions with kids and youth – supporting and guiding them in their onward faith adventures with Christ. There is life-changing activity happening on a daily basis! God’s kingdom is advancing through the tiny steps and many, many hours of work put in every single week by volunteers and paid workers right across the churches, schools and other spaces of the UK.
So what can we do to support this amazing work? CYM has a long-standing legacy of working with churches, partner organisations, and charities across all areas of society. But we want to know how we can continue to serve this sector in the most effective and valuable ways. So we have launched this Research Centre. The aim of the Research Centre is to work with you to carry out insightful, rigorous and reliable research around ministry with children, families and young people. And we want this research to be useful in informing and enhancing ministry in these areas. So please do get in touch with any questions, suggestions or ideas of how we can use this Research Centre to best serve your ministry.
And we’d love for you to respond to our Taking the Pulse of Ministry online survey, being launched on 1st April! We want to take the pulse of ministries with children, young people and families – to find out what is really going on at the grassroots. What are the real issues and challenges? And how can we best support you? And most importantly what is your ministry wanting the wider church to know? What changes do we need to collectively call for in the national UK church to help you and your children, young people or families?
So please take part in the survey but also ask others to complete the online survey form – we want to enable the voice of those involved in ministry with children, youth and families to be heard. So we want as many people as possible in the UK to take part – please help us to spread the word!
In the meantime, we continue to pray for God’s hand of blessing on you and your ministry, and for his continued leading and guiding. Do keep in touch.
Grandparenting For Faith
We are currently working, in partnership with BRF/Parenting for Faith, to produce an online course for Christian grandparents and grandparent-figures. We hope to launch it mid-late April.
The course will comprise six sessions, which you can complete on your own or with others. If you are completing the course with others, there are discussion questions embedded which you can use in your group. The aim of this course is to equip and empower Christian grandparents and grandparent-figures to share God with the children they love most.
Alongside this, there will be a single session course for church leaders or representatives who are interested in equipping grandparents and grandparent-figures in their churches.
Dr Sarah Holmes - Director of Research
13th March 2025
Taking the Pulse - Research Report
Today we are publishing the research report from out 'Taking the Pulse' survey involving over 2000 responses from those involved with ministry amongst children, young people and families.
Dr Sarah Holmes - Director of Research
1st October 2024
Update on CYM HE courses and announcing our CYM Futures Project
We announced in July 2024 that CYM were suspending all new recruitment to Higher Education (HE) courses delivered by CYM in partnership with Birmingham Newman University. This blog entry confirms that CYM will not be resuming recruitment to HE programmes and introduces our CYM Futures Project with a focus on research, training and resourcing for ministry with children and young people.
Sarah Fegredo - Chair of Trustees
30th September 2024