Our Blog

Important information regarding CYM HE courses as of September 2024

Important information regarding CYM HE courses as of September 2024

Please note we have suspended all new recruitment to Higher Education courses delivered by CYM, in partnership with Birmingham Newman University, with effect from July 2024.

Sarah Fegredo - Chair of Trustees

11th July 2024

Come celebrate with us!

Come celebrate with us!

Are you interested in what is effective in children's ministry? Are you fascinated by what others are doing amongst families and keen to learn from them? Do you want to know what good practice is happening?

Sarah Holmes - Director of Research

12th June 2024

Taking the Pulse of Ministry with Children, Youth & Families

Taking the Pulse of Ministry with Children, Youth & Families

"Listening to younger generations....91% of family workers said their church does not include families in decisions about ministry with children & youth; 89% of children's workers said that children were not included in decisions and 60% of youth workers said youth were not included in decisions."

Sarah Holmes - Director of Research

21st May 2024

Why bother?

Why bother?

Why bother?! …. Does anyone care about ministry amongst kids, youth and families? Is anyone doing it? What are they doing? Does it make any difference???? And why is there not more investment in these ministries from the wider church?

Sarah Holmes - Director of Research

26th March 2024

Staff Appointment: Scott Halligan

Staff Appointment: Scott Halligan

We're excited to announce our new Director of Communications, Relationships, and Engagement, Scott Halligan.

Chris Mason - Marketing Executive

22nd February 2024

Staff Appointment: Dr Sarah Holmes

Staff Appointment: Dr Sarah Holmes

We're excited to announce our new Director of Research, Dr Sarah Holmes.

Chris Mason - Marketing Executive

31st January 2024

Chaplaincy as a gift

Chaplaincy as a gift

Every chaplain in whatever context does their work starting from a foundation of theology. I work out of a theological web; a series of interconnected theologies, which, when woven together offer a rationale for chaplaincy that has biblical integrity and educational/pastoral attraction. At the heart of that web is what I term the theology of chaplaincy as a gift.

Nigel Roberts - Lecturer

5th December 2023

Reflections on the Growing Faith Conference

Reflections on the Growing Faith Conference

There is something significant and resonant when people who are driven by a common purpose get together. That resonance deepens when God is involved - when we take time out to de-clutter our thinking and focus on God speaking through others’ learning, experiences and reflections.

Dr. Graham Bright - Associate Fellow

5th September 2023

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